Image of diverse people holding different signs

Join Us to Help Build a Caring Society

Our goal is to encourage and support people to dream big about the kind of life and community they want – dreams that are so often excluded from public discourse. To bring these liberating ideas into the public sphere, we will work to pass resolutions endorsing the New Bottom Line: A Caring Society.

Why People are Demanding to Get Back to Work

If we fail to understand the real pain in people’s lives who are fighting to open their states, we risk the likelihood that many of them will become the shock troops for an anti-democracy movement that could have profound impact on the 2020 elections and its aftermath.

Trump and Netanyahu shaking hands in front of American and Israeli flags

Trump’s Phony Israel Peace Plan

Hagai El-Ad, Executive Director of Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem, reflects on Trump’s phony Israel peace plan. And an invitation to hear Rabbi Lerner speak about his new book, Revolutionary Love, in various cities from now through April.