The best way to achieve Mr. Gabel’s noble goals is, first, to recognize what can and cannot be accomplished by the various decision-making institutions in our society, and then to try to equip them to perform optimally in their areas of influence.
Special Web Articles
A Response to Gary Peller
The desire for mutual recognition is not an abstract universal, but a concrete universal manifested in all human situations as an expression of the very meaning of what it means to be a social human being.
Special Web Articles
History and Transcendence
The imposition of the “desire for mutual recognition” as the universal that ties us all together in common humanity onto the description of every social phenomena is ahistorical and undialectical—it fails to account for the concrete particulars of time and space that give exercises of social power a particular spin and story.
Repenting for What Israel Did to Gaza – Without Condoning the Wrongs Committed by Hamas
The human suffering is monumental. The political consequence was a major rightward turn in Israel that shaped the 2015 Israeli elections.
Love for the Prophet Muhammad: A Key to Countering Islamism and Islamophobia
Neither Islamophobic westerners nor militant Islamists are right about the Prophet Muhammad—he believed in nonviolence, not retaliation.
Lessons from the Shadow Side of Football: Building the Religious Counterculture
To uproot our most entrenched institutions, we need a countercultural vision. The story of professional football illustrates why.
Rethinking Religion
The Genesis of Gender
A closer look at the Book of Genesis reveals how deeply the gender binary is ingrained in our culture. What would it mean to smash this binary?
War & Peace
Strengthening Local Economies: The Path to Peace?
To understand the rise in terrorism worldwide, we must examine the impact of global consumer culture on communities across the planet.
Politics & Society
Revolutionary Nonviolence: Statecraft Lessons from the Global South
Nonviolent activists in the Global North have much to learn from their counterparts in Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania, India, and Grenada.
War & Peace
Alternatives to War from the Bottom Up
Simply opposing war is not enough—we need to put forward credible alternatives. Nonviolent statecraft is within our reach.
Politics & Society
Nonviolence Writ Large
Nonviolence could be the way of nations—and that might just save us.
Jewish Thought
Human Nature & Jewish Thought
Alan L. Mittleman
Princeton University Press, 2015
Jews and Genes: The Genetic Future in Contemporary Jewish Thought
Edited by Elliot N. Dorff and Laurie Zoloth
Jewish Publication Society, 2015
One of the popular ways to dismiss plans for healing and transforming the world is to assert that the distortions we see in the contemporary world are an inevitable outcome of a fixed human nature. In his careful examination of Jewish thought, Alan Mittleman insists on the centrality of moral personhood not constrained by any set of conditions external to the process of ethical reflection and intuition. Not only are reductionist programs incoherent, he argues, they are also absurd. He argues for real freedom and transcendence but simultaneously insists on our human limitations: “We are holy—and capable of unimaginable evil.” Holding both, he suggests, is one of the great strengths of the Jewish tradition. Some genetic diseases are more prevalent among Ashkenazic Jews than among the general population, largely because Jews were always a small population and historically predominantly married only other Jews.
Tikkun Recommends
Four Texts on Capitalism and Humanity
by David Cleveland, Charles Eisenstein, Arundhati Roy, and David Fideler
Writing and Spirituality
Nobody Home: Writing, Buddhism, and Living in Places
Gary Snyder, in conversation with Julia Martin
Trinity University Press, 2014
Nobody Home presents three interviews conducted by South African scholar and writer Julia Martin with the poet Gary Snyder that take place from the late 1980s to 2010, along with a selection of letters between them covering the same period. Martin was a young academic in apartheid South Africa when she first reached out to Snyder, motivated by her critical work on his poetry and thinking. Martin’s study and practice of Buddhism and her intuitive grasp of Snyder’s importance as a forefather of a growing international movement of spiritual environmentalism provoked Snyder to respond with sympathy and encouragement. They had an instant rapport in letters, which led to the interviews. This is a great period for Snyder, as his thinking about the nondualism of self/no-self and its relation to the world and all phenomena is culminating in his concentration on finishing Mountains and Rivers Without End, one of the crowning works of his generation of poets.
Do You See Me
Between earth and Heaven? I’ve never been anything but alone. But your face warms my world. Everything that blooms, blooms from you. When you look at me,
My heart sweetens.