Ten Commandments for the Future

Photo by Sharon Garber

Rabbi Leah Novick

I am The One your God who created you with love and joy from the fountain of eternal light.

All sentient beings are of value and importance to my Creation.

All species are significant and a source of pleasure to the Creator. Flowers, plants, stones, animals – all are precious to The One.

All natural manifestations of the creation – earth, wind, water and fire are Divine.

Any damage, any pain, to any of these harms the body of God, what you call Shekhinah.

The Creator- first, last and always, and beyond comprehension, watches over your planet and renews it every day.

There are many “Holy Places” on earth and, the whole earth is sacred.

There is no time in God’s dimension; however time guides your universe and demands respect. In that context, your dimension is
“ running out of time”

There are no rewards or punishments from the Creator- all of these emanate from your ideas and actions.

There is no “true religion” in the eyes of the Creator. True prayer on this planet comes from joy and the celebration of life expressed in many life enhancing forms.

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