War and More

Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

Row row row the boat

fiercely   DOWN

                        DOWN   DOWN

paddles swat body parts into waves   pinked

by blood on the oars

                        hands clean

muddied souls one atop another


                        by restless swirls

out of hod pods

into smoke they become.

A certain unbecoming becoming

forms a rounded arch   neon lit

to make purgatory look like heaven

to muddied souls suffocated on methane fume


like the insects we are

by the insects who deny they crawl

about in the hull.

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Colin Greer is President of the New World Foundation. He was formerly a professor at C.U.N.Y. His plays have been performed off off Broadway and in regional productions. His poetry collection If But My Gaze Could Heal will be published by Lantern Books, Summer 2022.

Photo credit: Frances LaBarre


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