Take Action

Join our activist arm, the Network of Spiritual Progressives, to bring the visions, proposals, and strategies we promote into your social justice movements, political actions, and protests. While we need to challenge and resist policies that undermine the rights and freedoms for which so many of us have fought for decades, we also need to put forth a vision of the world we want. Rather than merely articulating what we are against, we need to powerfully promote what we are for – namely a world that is based on care for each other and the planet rather than money and power. A political revolution is not sufficient to address the environmental, social, and economic crisis in which we live. We also need a cultural and spiritual revolution in which our social justice movements are infused with love and empathy. We build beloved communities that uplift the most loving and generous aspects of our humanity and transform consciousness.

Many thanks, Cat, for working with NSP to create a pathway for action. I’m proud to say that 11 of the 15 towns on Cape Cod, where I live, are holding demonstrations on the 30th.  That’s one-third of the demonstrations scheduled in MA.Thanks to you, I can send information about those demonstrations to my networks on Cape.” – Jan Hively

To learn more about our activist community, click here.