Showing Up for Activism

Inspiring choices for actions to ignite change

Tikkun’s activist arm – The Network of Spiritual Progressives – has been an active participant in efforts to challenge oppressive policies of our government, and an innovator in putting forth a vision of a world based on a New Bottom Line of love, care, and justice rather than money and power.

Here are results of some of the actions we’ve taken:

1,121 people signed our petition to demand that the Trump administration stop separation families at the border

3,985 people have endorsed our Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

3,147 people signed our petition to Israeli President Netanyahu saying “no” to efforts to oppose the Iran nuclear deal with the U.S.

2,543 people signed our petition to President Obama telling him to stop persecuting whistleblowers

Local NSP chapters and members have participated in the Women’s Marches, protests challenging the Muslim ban, and the family separation policy among many others. We showed up in San Diego and participated in an interfaith nonviolent action challenging the government’s policy towards asylum seekers (you can read more about that action here). And have worked to gain signatures and support for our visionary policies from politicians and citizens alike. Click here to get involved.