A Reflection on Veterans Day

Individuals and groups who stand up and put their lives on the line to defend the country from very real threats to our national security, as do those in our nation’s military, are true patriots. But true patriots are also those who speak out, stand up, and challenge our governmental leaders, those who put their lives on the line by actively advocating for justice, freedom, and liberty through peaceful means.

In Remembrance of Matthew Shepard

In memory of Matthew Shepard, Blogger Warren Blumenfeld explains the many forms of queer bashing in our society, but triggers hope with the message that LGBT people and heterosexual allies are rising up in even greater numbers to push back against the status quo.

Ebolaphobia and the Contagion of Fear

Two brothers, Pape and Amidou, were recently attacked and bashed by a mob of their classmates on the playground of their Bronx, New York Intermediate School 318. Throughout the violent attack, classmates taunted the brothers with chants of “You’re Ebola!” The boys, who were born in the U.S. but whose family is Sengalese American, were rushed to a local hospital with severe injuries. The incident reveals the danger of the toxic intersection of Ebola panic and racism.

The Fight for Clean Potable Water in Detroit

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes recently refused to prevent city officials in Detroit from shutting off water to customers who cannot afford the high costs, declaring that people do not have the fundamental right to water. Warren Blumenfeld offers his commentary on that decision, describing why this is unfair, unjust, and unnecessary.

Happy LGBT History Month

October is LGBT History Month. Warren Blumenfeld critiques how we can’t just have one month of history, we need a multicultural curriculum in schools that includes LGBT perspectives all year round to help eradicate injustice.

Dangerous Values at Values Voters Summit

I see the Values Voters Summit more as a train wreck than as a summit, a crew of hate-inspired politicians who sank to the lowest level of their “base” by stereotyping and scapegoating, and by further marginalizing those among us with little economic, social, and political power and those who require basic services from government to survive.

Environmental Justice and the “Science” of Denial

The White House released its National Climate Assessment which indeed reports that our climate is changing because of human activity. The Republican Party continues to refute this fact with biblical claims. But how many more extreme natural disasters will it take for the Republican party put the health of the planet, and by extension the health of all Earth’s inhabitants, on the front burner, if you will, of policy priorities over the unquenchable lust for profits by corporate executives?