Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism

Despite all the well-deserved derision the report received, the Regents in their infinite wisdom decided to keep the identification of anti-Zionism as potentially anti-Semitic; the final version of the Principles includes “anti-Semitic forms of anti-Zionism” as the new official red line which the University of California is supposed to police.

A Great Way to Keep Smiling in a Difficult Time

[Editor’s Note: We are delighted to welcome Mark LeVine, Tikkun’s longest serving contributing editor, to Tikkun Daily. Mark wears at least two hats and another one apart from musician is political prof and Middle East expert. His latest post at is “No Hope for Haiti” Without Justice.”]
If the end of 2009 is any indication, 2010 is going to be a difficult year. Whether it’s the economy, foreign policy or just political and cultural pulse of America more broadly, a host of problems confronts our society from the political leadership to the average citizen that hardly anyone knows how or even wants to deal with honestly. We need inspiration, and few things inspire people to action better than music.