Admissions: A Peace-Oriented Film About Israel/Palestine


A poster for the movie "Admissions."
After the devastating events of 9/11, it became tragically clear that war was once again on the horizon. As a personal response, I wrote the script for Admissions, a film about the Israeli-Palestinian crisis. My intention was to put forth a more forgiving interpretation of life’s events so people could find a pathway to peace no matter how crazy things got.
In 2011, the script was given to Academy Award nominee and peace activist, James Cromwell, and he graciously agreed to play the lead role. When the film was finished, Admissions began its festival run where it has won 26 international awards, been translated into Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi, and Spanish, and broadcast to 80 million people worldwide.
As a result of the positive response to Admissions, a number of peace organizations coalesced around the film’s message and several efforts were synergized. The result was a new mission to create Ministries and Departments of Peace in governments worldwide.
This promising initiative was made possible by high-level collaboration between Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury, United Nations “Culture of Peace” working groups, The Global Alliance for Ministries & Infrastructures for Peace, and From this emerged a binding diplomatic document called “The Global Resolution for the Establishment of Infrastructures to Support the Culture of Peace” that establishes cabinet-level, peacemaking bodies within the governments of UN member states.
Admissions is now being given as a “Gift of Peace” free screening to everyone who signs our Global Resolution, and currently we have signatures representing 118 countries. Here is a free screening link to Admissions so you can view the 20-minute film right now:

We have also created an Admissions discussion guide for use in schools, organizations, companies, and religious groups that can be downloaded for free.
In addition, I recently published a companion piece to the film called Mind What Matters: A Pep Talk for Humanity, a book of twenty-two transformational essays. Mind What Matters identifies powerful, life-changing shifts in thought that can help people from all walks of life transcend the perennial obstacles to achieving enduring peace.
Please feel free to share the free viewing link with everyone you know. We would also be very grateful if you would sign our Global Resolution at and share it as well. Thank you very much.

John Viscount is cofounder of Peace Now.

7 thoughts on “Admissions: A Peace-Oriented Film About Israel/Palestine

  1. This is a Wonderful project. The book is marvelous and I read it like a “daily word”. Loved the movie ! I signed the petition and have encouraged my friends to do the same. We need Peace and we need it “yesterday”.
    Janine Martens
    Austin, Texas

  2. This is an enlightened and positive, short parable about forgiveness between Palestinians and Israelis.
    I viewed this in a group setting where it is an even more powerful and moving experience than seeing it alone.
    Artful and creative and hopeful. A “must see” for everyone on our challenging planet.

  3. Thank you. There is hope.
    And what a beautiful collaboration of inspiring stories and quotes that “Mind What Matters” delivers us.
    I will revisit this work often and only hope others can be so fortunate as to experience it.
    A hopeful soul

  4. I have forwarded the link to “Admissions” to just about everyone on my email list, and that’s a long list. World peace is more than buzz words. It’s an idea whose time has come… Congratulations, John, Viscount, for a superior project, and thank you for your tireless work as a catalyst for change.
    Annie Sims
    Global Director, Conversations With God Advanced Programs
    Author/Instructor, CWG Online School
    Conversations With God Life Coach

  5. This beautiful film has touched my heart very deeply.
    Thank you John for sharing this masterpiece with the world and for your amazing book that contains so much timeless compressed wisdom in an easily understood format.

  6. I wish it was that easy. Some people find it easier to hold on to hate than to embrace love. I am Jewish and met a really great guy from Ramala (with his Thai girlfriend) whilst travelling through Vietnam. The first thing we shared together was humour. It breaks down most barriers. We shared our humour before we shared our backgrounds. To my friend Joe from San Francisco via Ramala I say Shalom

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