US Jews Celebrate Same Sex Marriage While Israel In Uproar Because Bibi's Son Is Dating "Out"


A front page article in today’s Ha’aretz struck me with the thought that, no matter what happens with the peace process, it is becoming impossible to expect non-Orthodox (i.e. 90-plus per cent) of young American Jews to identify with today’s Israel.
There, on page one, was a photo of a beautiful young couple in their early 20’s who are seriously dating. One is Prime Minister Netanyahu’s son. The other is a Norwegian girl who happens not to be Jewish. Sweet looking kids. But, in Israel, a scandal.
Consider: more than 50% of American Jews of all ages marry non-Jews. Younger Jews, in their teens and 20’s, don’t even consider the race, religion or ethnicity of who they are dating. Some old Jews agonize over this. Young Jews, the same young Jews who overwhelmingly accept gay marriage and rejoiced at Obama’s election and re-election, don’t even think about it.
But in Israel, it’s huge news that the prime minister’s 23-year old son dates a Protestant.
And then there is this: the denunciation of young Netanyahu’s  relationship by the head of the Shas party, Israel’s second largest party and part of Netanyahu’s coalition.
From Ha’aretz: 
“Woe is us if it is true,” [Shas Chairman Aryeh] Deri said. “If it is true, he [the prime minister] and Sara have a great heartache.”
Deri told the interviewer that the criticism was not an attack against the premier, but rather an issue of national concern. “I try not to raise personal criticism, but if, heaven forbid, this is true, it is no longer a personal matter – it is a symbol of the Jewish people.”
The Shas leader went on to describe the great efforts being made to prevent assimilation, saying, “I have friends who invest tens of millions, hundreds of millions to fight assimilation throughout the world. If, heaven forbid, this is true, woe is us. I hope it is not true….”

Meanwhile, last night, here in the United States, the Grammy Award for best song went to Same Love, an anthem about marriage equality. Watch the video. It will give you goosebumps. And it will help you understand why American Jewish kids just aren’t into an Israel run by religious fanatics and ethnic chauvinists. No wonder, Israel is reaching out to right-wing fundamentalist Christians.
As I say so often, Theodor Herzl is spinning in his grave. This was not his dream.
As for mine, a secular State of Israel with equal rights for all its citizens (Jewish and not) and no role for religion (any religion) in public life. In short, I want an Israeli James Madison!

0 thoughts on “US Jews Celebrate Same Sex Marriage While Israel In Uproar Because Bibi's Son Is Dating "Out"

  1. We’re just calling to say thank you for painting with us so much and so often! Who cares if you don’t make any sense, it’s the intent that counts.
    Btw, MJ, it might be time for you to decide, once and for all, whether American Jews are a group who should remain quiet and hope our generous hosts don’t decide to kick us out, or whether we control the entire government and foreign policy apparatus here. At least a little bit of consistency would go a way to granting you some credibility here and there…

  2. We’re just calling to say thank you for painting with us so much and so often! Who cares if you don’t make any sense, it’s the intent that counts.
    Btw, MJ, it might be time for you to decide, once and for all, whether American Jews are a group who should remain quiet and hope our generous hosts don’t decide to kick us out, or whether we control the entire government and foreign policy apparatus here. At least a little bit of consistency would go a way to granting you some credibility here and there…

  3. Mr. Rosenberg, I’m a little confused with your facts in the article. You claim that Shas is Israel’s 2nd largest party and a member of Nethayahu’s coalition. Well as a former employee of AIPAC and expert on Israel you should know better. Shas holds only 11 seats in the current Knesset, making the 5th largest party. It was also shut out of the current coalition, placing it firmly in the opposition. As for Gay rights in Israrl, the government’s efforts to make further progress has drawn praise and condemnation. Praise has come from the Gay community in Israel, while those in the Tikkun Community have sccused Israel of “Pink washing” the conflict. You just can’t do what’s right with out drawing condemnation. In the mean time I suggest you study the composition of the Knesset and yhd current government before publishing a blog.

  4. Agree that the scandal this is causing is representative of much of the disconnect between Israeli and American Judaism. But…Shas isn’t in Bibi’s coalition. That needs to be edited.

  5. Mr. Rosenberg didn’t say that Shas is the the second largest party. But the comment should be left to show the ignorance of the writer. Truth will out. I find this quite amusing because I am a goy who married a Jew. My wife suddenly found religion after she divorced me. But that is a totally irrelevant story. We, the human race, are all one. I fail to understand why that is so hard to figure out.

  6. Jim, re-read the blog. Rosenberg specifically stated that Shas is the 2nd largest party in Israel and a part of the coalition. He framed the article around it. But with regard to the “we are one” comment, how do you reconcile it when elevating Palestinian identity?

  7. Eli, you are right. I don’t know how I missed it. Palestinians want political power and the well being of their families and neighbors. Not unlike Israeli Jews or me. My identity is with “the least among you.”

  8. Congratulations to Yair and his girlfriend Sandra! I wish that they could feel supported in their decision to date, rather than scrutinized. We could learn something from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet– instead of one nation at odds with all the others, we could learn to love each other. So, I hope someone gets this message to Yair and Sandra: If you two decide to be married, I would be happy to officiate. Realilze that you symbolize hope, not despair.

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