Supporting Hawking On Boycott, Thanks To Obama There Is No Alternative


I would not have expected to be so pleased by Professor Stephen Hawking’s decision to boycott a major conference in Jerusalem in solidarity with the Palestinians. But I was.
I say that because I do not support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). Or to be precise I do not support it as applied to Israel itself in contrast to the occupation. I have strongly backed the efforts (most notably by church groups and specifically by the Presbyterians) to divest from corporations that sell Israel the equipment needed to maintain the occupation. I also support the multidenominational effort to link U.S. aid to Israel to its ending the occupation.
But I personally have drawn the line on boycotting Israel itself. Since I support the existence and security of Israel within the 1967 lines, I am not comfortable with actions that punish the Israeli people at large. I don’t think Israel is South Africa. Like President Jimmy Carter, I limit my use of the label “apartheid” to the occupied areas. I do not view Israel as an “apartheid state.”
Nor am I comfortable with punishing entire populations for the actions of their government. I think the international sanctions against Iraq and now Iran accomplished (and, in the case of Iran, accomplish) absolutely nothing except to punish ordinary people.
Moreover, as an American, I oppose punishing populations at large for the crimes of their government. Using that yardstick, we, ourselves, have more than earned boycotting, divestment and sanctions. Yet I don’t recall any such action against us over Iraq or Vietnam or any of our other foreign incursions or manipulations (like overthrowing governments we don’t like, as in Chile or supporting genocidal juntas as in Guatemala). I might feel differently if I was Norwegian or Canadian. But I’m an American which necessitates (or should necessitate) some humility.
And yet I cheered Stephen Hawking’s action. In no way did it punish the Israeli people. No ordinary Israeli will suffer as a result of his action. The only Israelis who are being hurt by it are the elites who are attending the conference, along with similar influentials from abroad. And even they won’t be hurt; the conference will go on. Hawking simply offered a powerful reminder that Israel is a country that has been running a brutal occupation for 45 years. He merely rained on one of Israel’s self-congratulatory parades, although both the Israeli government and its supporters abroad reacted as if Hawking had become a suicide bomber.
In fact, the very hysteria of the reaction to Hawking’s decision demonstrates that it was right and offers a model for other celebrities. He inflicted pain on powerful Israelis (and their supporters abroad) who support the occupation while energizing those brave and often lonely Israelis who oppose it. Good for him and good for those who follow in his footsteps.
I understand that my position as stated here is rife with contradiction. I oppose BDS but I endorse Hawking’s support for it.
But here’s the thing. I would not support Hawking’s protest if my own government was taking action against the occupation. If the Obama administration was using its leverage to get Israel out of the occupied territories or, at least, to stop the illegal settlement enterprise, there might be no need for any kind of boycott. After all, given our massive aid to Israel, our consistent support for Israel at the United Nations and our adopting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies on Iran, we have powerful leverage.
But President Barack Obama seems never have to considered using any of it. I have been following U.S. policy toward Israel since the late 1960’s and I can say without hesitation that there has never been an administration as slavish in its support of Israel’s policies as this one – not even Ronald Reagan’s or George W. Bush’s.
The policy of this administration toward Israel is best summed up by Vice President Joe Biden who has said that there must be “no daylight, no daylight” (yes, he said it twice) between U.S. and Israeli policies. This is not, of course, what Biden believes (I have spoken to him about his views on a half dozen occasions) but, no matter, it is wealthy donors who determine this administration’s policies on Israel not Biden’s personal beliefs – or, for that matter, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s, Secretary of State John Kerry’s – or President Barack Obama’s.
And that will not change. On Israeli-Palestinian peace, this administration is the killer of hope.
That is why I support Hawking and will support other similar efforts. Simply put, thanks to the Obama administration, there is no alternative.

0 thoughts on “Supporting Hawking On Boycott, Thanks To Obama There Is No Alternative

  1. O Dog. There is a lot more than just speech technology that goes into everything Hawking uses. In fact you might have any Israeli made processor on your PC.

  2. O dog, Next time you go looking for affordable prescription meds, check the label. It is quite possible the are manufactured by Teva, an Israeli pharmaceutical company

  3. Is it true that the Israeli Right Wing Government boycotts scholars and scientists from entering and/or speaking in Israeli educational institutions?
    I seem to recall that Noam Chomsky had some recent issues with the Israeli Government about this.

    • About Chomsky’s lies? I don’t know. About the causes and effects of 911? For some time now, I’ve asked my Congressional Representative and the NY Times to call for open hearings on the matter.
      I hope we get a more complete hearings and reports than the 911 Commission Report provided.
      With all best wishes…

  4. The level of the dialogue here is extremely low.
    No one has explained (or challenged) the relevance of whether Hawking’s technology comes from Israel.
    No one has explained (or challenged) Noam Chomsky’s statements. Name-calling seems to be the order of the day.
    To paraphrase and modify that time-worn expression: If you can’t say anything intelligent, don’t say anything at all.

    • Calling Chomsky s liver is just stating the facts. As for Hawking, hr might be using the Core i7 in hid tablet. How is Hubie’s 911 theory coming along?

  5. Without ad hominems what is left for the right? By their fruit shall we know them. I take comfort in knowing the other side is morally and intellectually bankrupt. And also semi-literate. They are also as predictable as Pavlovian dogs. End of my 15 second rant.

  6. I do not support sanctions against the people who suffer under dictatorships as they have no say in the policies that destroy lives and law. Israelis live in a democracy and can be moved to change it. That they haven’t makes them culpable. When politicians are able to capitalize on the emotions of fear and hatred, the policies are reflective of those emotions and almost always employ violence against someone. Israelis need to hear from us that their government has crossed an unacceptable line with the occupation. It needs to end, and the hatred that has defined the politics of both sides needs to be defanged. The people need to be heard over their politicians. They will speak when they get the message. (maybe, I don’t know anything, other that violence always breeds more.) Dr. Robert Newport

    • I would like to ask mr Newport something. With Syria in flames and the Golan border becoming less stable every day,a stronger Hezbollah and Hamas unwilling to negotiate, is this the time to force israelis to listen to you or anyone living in the relative safety of the US. It is not as of there is a single Palestinian voice. Israelis carry on their lives in normalcy in an burning region, something American could never do. Sacrifices wil be made when there is someone reliable to talk to.
      90,000 slaughtered in Syria. Your silence is deafening.

  7. Yes, let us hear creative, imaginative ideas on ending the bloodshed in Syria.
    Yes, let us hear constructive ideas on how Palestinians and Israelis might live in the land together in shalom, peace, justice and love.
    Sadly, our conversations often devolve into imitative rivalry. We care only about winning an argument, making the other side look evil and stupid. There is a pattern of seeing how the other side scapegoats innocent victims. And we are blind to how we scapegoat others, believing our enemies deserve the pain we inflict.
    Violence is always good when we do it, because our enemies are wicked. Violence is always evil when they do it, because our side is innocent. What a trap. We become enemy twins. The pattern of conversation is always the same. I’d love to see us communicate in another way. The nonviolent communication posts on Tikkun, I think, are trying to show us this way. And, yet, there’re few comments on those posts. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…..

  8. The actions of the Israeli government have offered those who deplore the occupation of Palestinian land and the illegal (according to international Conventions), building of Jewish settlements on that land, no other choice but to support Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). You may remember similar strategies of isolation were employed against South Africa to end its apartheid policies. I live in New Zealand where in the 1980’s a huge groundswell of public opinion and protest stopped the Springbok rugby tour of New Zealand. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, contributed hugely to ending apartheid in South Africa. It will eventually end apartheid in Israel too.

    • Patricia,
      It is quiet the myth that Israeli construction in the “Palestinian territories is “illegal according to international conventions”. The West Bank was NEVER under Palestinian control. The West Bank was captured and ANNEXED in 1952 by Jordan without a shout of protest. That said, I think itis against Israel better interest to hold on to it, But there has to be someone to negotiate with.
      I suggest yu go with FACTS and leave the MYTHS behind.
      90,000 slaughtered in Syria. If this is how Arabs relate to each other, how do you expect them to relate to Israelis any other way?

      • Sammy,
        Your repetition of certain points to change the focal point of the discussion,deffenetly qualify you as a Hasabra agent on the payroll of Israeli Gov. You need to tone it down a bit, maybe you could be taken seriously sometimes. Your cridebility is at Zero right now. Read Robert reply again,and then read yours,you will see what I mean.yet I am very sure you are well aware of what you have been trained to do as a Hasbara agent.
        Robert, you are right,on in your comment. Israelis can’t claim innocence of what their Gov. Is doing,they have voted this Gov. In power,and most Israelis implement the Gov policies by serving in the occupation forces to steal Palestinian land,and oppress the Palestinians. As of Syria, all we need to see ,who is guilty of these massacres beside the hired guns,is who is paying the bills and supplying the guns to tear Syria apart,US,Israel,Turkey,Saudia, Qatar.
        BDS,is the least violent way for honorable people to express their point of view in a humane way.

  9. Minor, Skunks smell better than your responses. Does someone hand you a script that you read off of? Not only to you accuse Israel of crimes, but you are now holding Israel responsible for crimes committed by Arabs. You say I should gone it down? Thanks to your poisonous accusation, I will ramp it up and continue to remind you of the 90000 dead in Syria. Arabs spilling Arab blood by the bucketful. Your auto response narrative is growing old. Now go and run along. I heard you can pre-order KFC chicken in Gaza. You would not want to miss that.

    • Agent Hasbara Sammy,
      No they did not, but for sure ,they handed you one. As you seem not to be able to deviate from it with the same repeated message,over and over again. You have no place in this blog, as it is for honest decent people who would like to get some light on the facts ,and maybe ansewers ,into this disasterous situation for the Israelis/Jews and the Palestinians. You and your likes in contrast, want to relive the crippling sentiment of the nightmare full of fear,we the Jews against the world. You spend every letter in your posting to prove that sentiment mainly to yourself. This blog is called Tikkun ,not just Olam, but of one self first,as it should be implied. Your logic of Israel can do no wrong, because it creates some technical stuff while it abuses Millions of Palestinians,is like the father or husband who made a house for his wife and children but abuses and abeat the crap out of them every night! Wake up please,primary Jewishness is a disease ,there is humanity, honesty ,morales and ethics that you keep forgetting.

      • 90,000 dead in Syria and Monir, the lier, continues to blame Jews.. Palestinians learned a lot about old timey European anti Semitism.

    • One correction, Sammy. You are correct that most of the “defend Israel” for the “savages” postings conform 100% with the official Israeli gov’t message without the slightest deviation, I do not agree that this need come from an agent of the gov’t (although it may, or may as well). Most “pro-Israel” people I know – and that used to included yours truly- actually believe this stuff against any proof offered. The entire Israeli population is marinated in fear and racial superiority from birth. Not that unusual for a Settler State -as is true to some extent here. But there it is the fear where every man is in the military until 55. every school kid is brought up on Holocaust stories that are directed to mean, “the world hates Jews, we are just being “strong” against the world when we kill “Arab” civilians because if we don’t show that unassailable cruelty- we’ll all be slaughtered!” Very effective when you live in an artificial majority, where real democracy would mean the end of the country as they know it. Equality is their enemy- just ask them: would you settle for equal rights with the Palestinians? “there Are no Palestinians” or, they are terrorists and won’t let us live in Peace”…Would you accept 78% of the land with a Pal. state? No! Never….the leaders are more subtle: “Sure, but they want conditions”. Conditions like, stop taking what we are negotiating over….Ahh. In other words, the Israelis will not take “Yes” for an answer.

    • Sorry all – got my names confused. It was you, Monir, I was disagreeing with about Sammy. But Sammy, I don’t agree you are an “agent”, but in case I’ve got it wrong, on what point would you disagree with the Israeli gov’t over, let’s say, the last 50 years? Can they “do no wrong”?

  10. The cranks here might have to boycott Facebook and Google
    Facebook and Google set to face off in billion dollar battle to buy satnav startup Waze
    Both firms believed to be in talks with Waze
    Apple ruled out of discussions
    PUBLISHED: 04:23 EST, 24 May 2013 | UPDATED: 06:00 EST, 24 May 2013
    Comments (0)
    Google is considering buying Israeli satnav startup Waze – putting it in a billion dollar bidding war with Facebook for the firm.
    Waze is seeking more than $1 billion and is fielding expressions of interest from multiple parties, Bloomberg claims.
    Maps and navigation services have become a key asset for technology companies as consumers increasingly adopt smartphones and other mobile devices
    Other media have reported that Facebook Inc has held talks to buy Waze for as much as $1 billion
    Google and other parties approached Waze after the Facebook talks became public but none of the bidders are close to clinching a deal, Bloomberg said, adding that the start-up might decide to remain independent.
    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    • Please don’t conflate “the Jews” with Israel. There are millions of Jews outside of Israel who don’t have a say in either electing that gov’t or in its serial crimes against humanity- I know because I’m one of them. They like to speak for all Jews but do not. They speak for a government who uses and abuses the Holocaust and Jewish historical suffering to be a tool for the U.S. empire, the way the Cossacks were used as a tool against my grandparents. As far as Left/Right, Settler State colonialism is Always “Right” even if dressed up as Socialist. E,g, no Arabs allowed as Kibbutz members. Faux Left.
      If Israel want’s peace there are plenty of completely legitimate offers from the Arab League, PA,
      but abiding by international law and stopping the crimes of occupation would be a good start. Destroying over 24,000 Palestinian homes since ’67 is enough!

  11. “I would not have expected to be so pleased by Professor Stephen Hawking’s decision to boycott a major conference in Jerusalem in solidarity with the Palestinians. But I was.”
    Of course you were, MJ. You are always happy when someone scores, or thinks he scores, against the Jews. That surprises you ? For those addicted to it, anti-semitism is pleasurable.
    Here is a great article by Eve Garrard on the Pleasures of Anti-Semitism:

  12. Wener, than you so much for posting this. It really sums up a cognitive approach that juts does not work. I can think of very different examples where ths applies.
    1. An African American woman on one of the Gaza flotillas was being interviewed. She was asked why she was participating in the flotilla. She simply answered with absolute sincerity, stating that she saw israel ash the most genocidal state in history. I kid you not. of course she disregarded Sudan, Rwanda, Cambodia, the Holocaust and the Armenians genocide to name a few.
    2. When I was in Cuzco, Peru in 2004. There as a general strike and march sponsored by the Communist party. The march was against the planed privatization of the government owned electric company. The proposed buyer was a Spanish corporation. At the center of the march was a paper machete f buts of the Peruvian president. he had a hooked nose and Jewish star. i don’t think there as one Jew living in Cuzco, but it seems lie there was a desire to make them public enemy # 1
    We see masked anti Semitism on blogs here. They are protected by the extreme Jewish left who crave to be accepted by their non Jewish peers. The do not understand that their peers could not change their anti Semitic attitudes no matter how much they wished they did.
    This is also true of the far right. In 1967 Israel was abandoned by the left because they had the audacity fi winning a war and were no longer the underdog. Of course Israel only has to lose one war and its over.

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