American Muslims Are Moderate and Peaceful… Who Knew?


Courtesy: Pew Forum

The Pew Research Center this week revealed another extensive and newsworthy piece of research: The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society. The results of the survey, which consisted of more than 38,000 interviews of Muslims in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and Asia in approximately 80 languages, reveals many things on many topics. Some revelations are interesting, others curious, and a few even downright alarming. As an American Muslim, though, I was mostly interested in the appendices, which discuss the attitudes of U.S. Muslims and compared them to similar themes among Muslims of other countries. Here’s my take:
First and foremost I was happy to read that American Muslims are some of the most moderate and peace loving in the world. For instance, 81% American Muslims say suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilian targets are never justified. That’s not to say Muslims of other countries overwhelmingly agree with violence, in fact most Muslims worldwide also reject this type of violence, but have a lower rate of rejection than Americans. Interestingly, it seems that America Muslims also are more moderate in cultural and societal aspects of their lives. 63% say there is no inherent tension between being devout and living in a modern society; nearly identical proportion of American Christians (64%) agree. On the other hand, fewer worldwide Muslims share the view that modern life and religious devotion are not at odds (global median of 54%).To me, that’s a telling comparison, because modern culture is often cited as pulling people of all faiths away from religious practices. That Muslims in the United States are able to balance their American experience with their religious traditions says much about their resilience, flexibility and open minds.
For those curious about the reasons for these differences between Muslims here and abroad, I think the survey itself points out to a critical one: interaction with other faiths. The surveys reports that although almost half of U.S. Muslims say that all (7%) or most (41%) of their close friends are other Muslims, another half say that some (36%) or hardly any (14%) of their close friends are Muslim. I believe that we as American Muslims receive a huge benefit from befriending and ultimately learning from other religious groups. Whether you talk about religion or not, having a friend, neighbor or acquaintance who believes differently from you will factor enormously in your world view. People who have multicultural friendships also have fewer stereotypes and fewer negative feelings about other religious groups. By contrast, the surveys showed that Muslims in other countries nearly universally report that all or most of their close friends are Muslim (global median of 95%). Even Muslims who are religious minorities in their countries are less likely than U.S. Muslims to have friendships with non-Muslims. For example, 78% of Russian Muslims and 96% of Thai Muslims say most or all of their close friends are Muslim.
It’s no surprise to interfaith activists such as me that interfaith dialogue and relationship building between groups can pave the way towards peace and prosperity. Americans of all faiths would do well to remember this important fact: ignorance breeds hate, and who wants to be ignorant? Look outside your own social circle, make a new friend, one who looks and prays differently. Join or start an interfaith discussion group, such as a book club or a student’s study group. Read a book about another faith, ask questions, understand and celebrate each other’s differences. In the long run, we will all be better off with an open mind and an inclusive attitude.

0 thoughts on “American Muslims Are Moderate and Peaceful… Who Knew?

  1. It is amazing how many misconceptions we have about other faiths.Your suggestions about building bridges and sorting out facts from fiction, deserve serious thought. The sooner we start looking at the world as a global society,the saner and more livable it will become.

  2. Well….no one has explained to me the rhetoric of CAIR, and justification of their actions, or the 35 training camps in AMERICA, where the local law has reported constant gunfire and explosions, he also said his town has become a hotbed of Muslim intrigue, coming and going of “out of town, well armed, foreigners” but OBAMA has ordered him not to interfere, or try to investigate! Total immunity! This government is more concerned in attacking Christians, Remember communists deny religion, but Islam is a political; system. Watch Obama’s treatment of Israel. And hidden support of the “Muslim brotherhood” who go in and out of the Whitehouse like it was a motel. And of course….The “ground Zero Mosque” close enough to blast the “most wonderful sound in the world” call to prayer, straight to those visiting the Twin Towers Monument. Reminding them who hates them. Block the streets to pray, Sorry I don’t believe that they are respectful of others!

  3. You have just explained the HUGE difference between urban and rural America. I truly feel sorry for those who don’t have the experience of knowing people who are different than them. This country is so isolated from the rest of the world. Chuck expresses why so many Americans are so wrong. Thank you for being here. Salam.

  4. I’m amazed at Chuck’s comments; they seem composed of hatred. “He also said his town…” Who is “he”? Faruqi seems to be quoting facts. People choose their churches based on their beliefs, ethical systems, etc. The people who are so difficult to talk to are those who are sure that their way is the only way. Why not judge individuals as individuals, and not just as members of a particular group?

  5. We need an honest and open discussion of the place and meaning of “jihad” in (both American and non-American) Islam; and similar issues such as death-threat fatwas against those who in any way offend Muslims. When Christianity had political power, it used it to suppress dissent. That is why we have separation of church and state. Does Islam support separaton of church and state? The union of church and state is a problem not only for Islamic countries, but also for Israel. It exists in some European countries, but seems to be in name only.

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