Norman Finkelstein Supports 2 State Solution


Norman Finkelstein

Back in 2007, Norman Finkelstein was supposed to take part in an Oxford University Student Union debate about the future of Israel and Palestine. Incongruously to the British-Jewish organizations that vociferously objected to, and torpedoed his participation at the time, Finkelstein was scheduled to debate for a two-state solution.
Widely known as a stridently anti-Israel writer-activist, the former academic supports Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) as tactics against Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, but condemns the global BDS movement for being dishonest about its real agenda of displacing Israel as a Jewish-majority state. He also views a full right of return for Palestinians as unrealistic.
To the outrage of the anti-Israel far-left, he denounces the BDS movement as a “cult.” Finkelstein says he’s “not going to be in a cult again,” as he admits to having been a Maoist in his youth. In this connection, he argues that the BDS (or Palestinian solidarity) movement cannot realistically meet its goal of displacing Israel, because this is a non-starter with most Israelis and with the international community as a whole.
This pronouncement by Finkelstein has also generated a flutter of positive buzz from the pro-Israel community. This links to Bradley Burston’s column in Ha’aretz; Burston is a very liberal writer, known for sharply criticizing the Israeli right but also believes in a two-state solution. In the mainstream American-Jewish press, NY Jewish Week correspondent Stewart Ain has written a news analysis, “Norman Finkelstein: From Hezbollah to ‘Zionist Bully’,” in which he quotes some unhappy BDS supporters, as well as at least one pro-Israel view.
Finkelstein remains a resolute critic of Israel and continues to advocate a full withdrawal from the occupied territories (and not a territorial compromise including a negotiated swap between Israel and the Palestinians which I see as necessary). Yet he is totally in favor of a two-state solution, based on the pre-June 1967 border and as originally validated by the UN partition plan of 1947 (i.e., the border was different in 1947, but he speaks clearly of an international consensus for the 1949-’67 armistice line). (BTW, Noam Chomsky, also a harsh critic of Israel, is likewise a supporter of two states, and has long applauded the two-state model agreement known as the Geneva Accord.) Click here to view a 31-minute video in which Finkelstein states his case. Although I largely agree with him on the substance, he is still peremptory and dismissive in his tone, a trait apparently left over from his days as a Maoist.

0 thoughts on “Norman Finkelstein Supports 2 State Solution

  1. Who really care what Chomsky and Finkelstein think Finkelstein wrote a book about the “Holocaust Industry”, a bible for anti Israel activists. Finkelstein was denied tenure for intellectual dehonesty. Why embrace him?

  2. The only reason anyone even mentions Chomsky or Finkelstein is because they have Jewish names. These are the old guard self-hating anti-Semitic Jew, who still have ‘cachet’ with the old hippie leftists (i was one of them), who thought it was cool to name drop Chomsky and have his (mostly unread and unreadable) books on their shelves. Maybe it helped them seduce hippie chicks. From linguistics, Chomsky moved seamlessly onto Finkelstein’s turf, ie, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist (read ‘anti-Semite) diatribe. Many people, particularly other anti-Zionists (read ‘anti-Semite). Isn’t it fun to have Jews on your side to give cover for their hatred? No, Chomsky and Finkelstein are just some scum floating aimlessly on the pond of jewish intellectual thought. Their words carry as much weight as tasteless jokes at a funeral.

  3. “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?
    Too soon?
    Both of the previous commenters apply tried and true Hasbara tactics as the going definition of an anti-Semite is anyone who might might Zionists cry.
    Israel is doing well on its own ostracizing the world community. Their exceptionalism runs so deep that those unhappy with having their land stolen are considered “haters” by those that stole the land.

  4. I asked this of one commenter, and I will ask Lance Thruster. What do you mean by “exceptionalism?
    Funny how Zionist is such a dirty word. Does it roll of you tongue like that? It is no more than a national renewal movement, not unlike Palestinians nationalism and any other national movement,
    If you want to look at countries that are ostracizing the world community, you can look no further than Syria where acts of genocide are occurring as we write. I am amazed at how condemnation of Israel draws the attention of activists away form other world issues. I guess Syria is not the flavor of the day. It’s as if one little country is the worst violator of human rights in history. Lance, why do you despise Israel? Why do you resent Jews and resent their legitimate claims
    So here we have, a true example of the type of crowd Chomsky and Finkelstein draw. A few token Jews legitimize that anti semitism of Lance and his happy cult followers. Ot makes someone lie Lance feel much much better.
    The only thing missing for Lance is a factual narrative. That’s because he is short on facts and long on rhetoric.
    Lance, I welcome your response. I am sure it will be interesting.

    • Well, don… By “exceptionalism,” I mean the practice of condemning in others what you yourself are guilty of. Zionism promotes a tribal superiority at the expense of other notions of justice and universalism.
      For the record don, I grew up think Israelis were the “white hats” and Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims were the “black hats.”
      After 9/11, I felt it incumbent on me to learn more about the conflict in the region as it would be a major determining factor for our foreign policy for some time to come. It did not take much scratching below the surface to understand that the narrative was horribly one-sided.
      Call it “anti-Semitism” if you wish; the truth is that the lies in support of Zionism are being challenged, ad that makes Zionists cry.

  5. I think Professor Finkelstein is getting a lot of press, because he is, along with Chomsky, is the foremost scholar on the Israel/Palestine conflict. He finally said something his critics agree with, so they are furiously writing about him, because they know, he has the authority to speak on the topic. He has paid his dues, and it is high time he get the recognition he deserves.

    • Foremost???? Where dod that come form. Finkelstein was rejected for tenure because of his intellectual dishonesty. he has accuse Israel of using the Holocaust to draw sympathy.

  6. I think Professor Finkelstein is getting a lot of press, because he is, along with Chomsky, the foremost scholar on the Israel/Palestine conflict. He finally said something his critics agree with, so they are furiously writing about him, because they know, he has the authority to speak on the topic. He has paid his dues, and it is high time that he gets the recognition he deserves.

  7. Would y’all go along with Rabbi Lerner as the foremost expert on the Palestine/Israeli conflict? He seems the humanity, the suffering, and the joy of those on all sides.

  8. Lerner is hardly an expert on the conflict. He see that conflict as Israelis oppressors vs Palestinian victims. As long as he hold tat view, he will be clueless.

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