Video Interview-Brazilian Claudio Oliver

Some of you Tikkun-ers have told me from time to time: “Share with us about the people who inspire from your context in Brazil.” Fair enough. I’ve already posted a link to one other video of my dear Brazilian friend, Claudio Oliver. But I couldn’t resist posting another: a video interview that took place earlier this week in Australia. This video continues the same line of reflection regarding poverty, friendship, and the presence/action of the local Christian communities.

Remembering Zilda Arns Neumann (25/08/1934-12/01/2010)

People from all around the world are remembering the nation of Haiti in this time of suffering and loss–some by their prayers, others through acts of generosity and solidarity. Several of my Brazilian friends have asked that we join with them in remembering one of the victims of Tuesday’s earthquake– Zilda Arns Neumann. She was visiting Haiti on a medical mission. By all accounts, she was spiritual progressive – a rare combination of doctor, social activist, and spiritual leader. (In fact, she was three time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize.) Together with her brother, Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns, (Cardinal Archbishop of São Paulo), she has stood out as one of Brazil’s contemporary peacemakers.

Borders v/s Limits (Part 2)

In Part 1, our topic was borders. Now we turn to another kind of boundary: limits. Take us, human beings, as an example. We are mammals. We bear live young, little creatures that are totally dependent on others — incapable of doing the basics necessary for survival (parents know what I’m talking about).

Borders vs Limits (Part 1)

Think back to the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign. One of the issues that generated a lot of heat was the immigration debate. While the debate touched on several other issues, such as unemployment and national identity, at its heart the debate centered on this: the rights of those who were not U.S. citizens but live within its borders, or of those who do live outside its borders and are trying to get in. After all, borders are there to establish who’s in and who’s out, right? Now, fast forward nearly almost one year.

Border Crossing Revisited

Over the last several years–six to be exact–lots of groups and individuals have come our way in order to experience something of life here in Brazil. We’ve received everything from local church youth groups, to seminary interns, to pilgrims on a journey to “holy sites” on the margins. It’s interesting that almost all of these folks/groups share certain features, such as:
#1) They have a deep desire to connect with and serve others beyond the borders of the own country. #2) They are committed to #1 because of their commitment to and relationship with Jesus. #3) They understand #1 and #2 to be part and parcel of something called Christian mission.